Rift Gold Guide – Tips and Tricks for Making Platinum in Rift Online

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Silver, gold and platinum are the main type of currency players use in Rift: Planes of Telara.

This page will try to give you some basic tips and tricks on how you can earn more platinum. Since Rift is still a relatively new game some of these strategies may not work after some time, and many strategies don’t even exist yet. The game economy is still not developed as many players are just now leveling up their characters and not working on leveling professions. However I’ll attempt to provide as many tips as I can from my experiences playing the game, and if you have any be sure to add them in the comments section below!

In Rift, 100 silver is worth 1 gold, and 100 gold is worth 1 platinum. You can obtain this currency by completing quests and getting it as rewards or by selling commodities like items or enchants to other players or to NPC vendors.

Beginners Rift Gold Guide

In Rift, the highest level of currency is platinum. In this Rift Platinum guide, I am going to teach you some easy ways to get it! Over time, I hope to add new strategies to this guide as more specifics are made available.

New Game, New Economy

The biggest problem with putting together a Rift platinum guide is that the game is brand new. The economy will rapidly change; things that are valuable at release may not be valuable in a few months and things that are worthless at release may become valuable later.

In this Rift platinum guide, I will be revealing some specific aspects to earning gold in Rift so that you can get the edge on your competition and make a little extra money.

Easy Platinum in Rift – Materials

At the start of any MMORPG, materials are always valuable whereas items crafted generally are not. This is because so many players love to level up their professions and will bid each other up on resources. Most crafters will be forced to vendor their wares or sell at a loss.

As a result, one way you can be sure you do not get sucked into this cycle is to pick up all 3 gathering professions (Butchering, Mining, and Foraging) yourself. This way, you can gather minerals, gems, leather, wood, and herbs while you are questing and leveling up.

While these materials will not have much value during the first week, it will not be long before players get some spare platinum and start to buy up stacks of materials.

You can also bank your materials and sell them later. As players move out of the beginner zones and start to level up professions, the price of beginner ores will go up. Alternatively, you can use 1-2 of the types of materials to level up your own profession for free and then sell what you do not use on the auction house.


Crafting for profits will be tough. Only those “ahead of the curve” and have a very high level craft will be able to profit while leveling their crafts. Additionally, crafters have to compete with quests when it comes to selling gear.

With that said, there are three item types which players are likely to profit off of: two-handed weapons, ranged weapons (bows and guns) and runes (from runecrafting).

The reason for this is that two-handed weapons and ranged weapons do not come very frequently in questing, whereas 1-handed weapons and staves are constantly upgraded for callings that use those. In particular, from level 20-30 there is a shortage in these weapons.

As a weaponsmith, you craft items like the Iron Hunting Rifle and sell them for significant profits. Even though it is only a green-quality weapon, it is good enough to fetch 75 gold to 1 platinum for the first few weeks around game release.

Runecrafters can also make a bit of money, as runecrafters do not compete with quests for selling runes. The only downside is that many players will not be looking for runes since they replace their gear so frequently.

Leveling up with Runecrafting will be expensive, but the first person to max level will make some good money by selling top-level runes to players just hitting 50 who are outfitting their characters in runes.

Note: armor is also constantly provided by quests so players will have a hard time selling armor pieces.

To wrap it up, do not look to crafts to provide any good amount of money in Rift unless you are a hardcore player.

Dropped Items

Item drops can be very valuable in Rift, especially around release. Players love buying bind-on-equip blue and purple-quality pieces of gear and are willing to spend a good amount on these.

Try to resist the urge to equip these pieces of equipment yourself. Rare and Epic items at a low level are not nearly as good as you might think; within a few levels uncommon (green) quality pieces catch up to rare and epic pieces.

You might as well sell them instead of equipping them and save yourself the wasted money. Once you have equipped bind on equip pieces, there is no turning back!

Rift Platinum Guide Conclusion

To conclude this Rift Platinum guide, remember the following things:

  • At a bare minimum, grab all 3 gathering professions so you can earn extra gold while leveling up
  • If you pick a craft, do not plan to make money on it unless you play all the time
  • Weaponsmiths and Runecrafters have the most potential to make money. Two-handed weapons and ranged weapons are rarer than 1-handed weapons, shields, and wands.
  • Sell your bind on equip rare and epic pieces as you can upgrade them quickly from questing

By following these simple strategies, you can earn a lot of extra platinum and hit level 50 with some money in your bags!

Rift Planarite Guide

Want to know what to do with all your planarite and source stones? Perhaps you want to get more? In this Rift planarite guide, I will be going over everything you need to know about Planarite and Sourcestones.

What is Planarite

Planarite is a special type of currency in Rift. It comes from sealing Rifts, defeating Invasions, and destroying footholds. While the primary source of Planarite is from planar invasions (hence the name) you can earn some for destroying enemy PvP footholds as well.

Uses for Planarite in Rift

Planarite can then be exchanged for goods at the planar vendor. Planar vendors can be found both in zones and in the main cities of Sanctum and Meridian.

Click Here for the #1 Rift Guide

Different planar vendors provide different rewards. For example, just south of Argent Glade in Silverwood, Guardians can exchange Planarite for low-level rare and epic pieces of equipment.

I do not have a complete list of Planarite vendors as I do not feel it is necessary. This is because the best use of Planarite is to exchange in Sanctum (Guardians) or Meridian (Defiant).

In town, you can exchange large quantities of Planarite (up to 7500!) for an upgraded planar focus (the best one currently in game). The planar focus lets you equip planar essences, which provide nice stat bonuses.

Note that Defiants have a different name for this item (they are called sourcestone engines instead of planar foci) so just keep that in mind as you read this article.

Your starter planar focus only lets you equip 2 lesser planar essences. The fully upgraded one will let you equip 4 lesser planar essences (which provide stat buffs) and 2 greater planar essences (which often have cool effects like +damage on melee hit).

As a result, you will want to save your Planarite for this upgraded planar focus. Do not waste it on lowbie gear which you will just replace shortly.

After getting the best planar focus, you can buy ascended powers and other items which will come in handy.

Earning Planarite

While planarite does drop from all sorts of enemies in Rift, you only get it when you adequately participate. In other words you do not get planarite at random nor does it happen just because you are near an enemy.

Additionally, the while the rewards you get for participating in events is random, it is only partially random. It is based off of the enemy type and participation.

Whenever you are engaged in a rift battle, notice the meter that appears right under your mini-map (same spot you collect your planar loot from). This bar fills up as you “participate” in the battle.

The bar must be at least 1/4 full for the current monster or rift-wave you are battling in order to earn planarite. The higher the bar is filled, the more you will earn! Doing damage or healing increases your participation meter.

Sourceshards and Sourcestones

In addition to Planarite, you can earn other currency types known as sourceshards and sourcestones. While planarite is awarded for any type of invasion, you can only earn these types from tougher enemies.

Sourceshards are of rare quality and drop off of small bosses. In particular, these seem to be common from beating the final boss of a Rift in the second bonus round (stage #5) and end-bosses of smaller invasions.

Sourcestones are of epic quality and only drop off of large bosses. The only time I have found these is when beating the final boss of an invasion event. By final boss, I am referring to the special enemy which spawns after completing all of the objectives of an invasion.

In particular, though, I have only gotten sourcestones when killing the final boss of “big” invasion events with at least 1/4 of a participation bar. As a result, when doing invasions it is important to find the final boss as soon as he spawns (check the map), and then race over to the right spot so you can get your participation up other players finish the boss.

Note that not all events are the same. For events where you just defeat some invasions and then a final boss spawns, you usually get a sourceshard. For events with several waves, you usually get the sourcestone.

Sourceshards and sourcestones a tiered as well. You will get a different type of sourceshard off of level 15 enemies then you will off of level 25 enemies. There are multiple tiers of these items.

These high-quality rewards can be used for various items. For example, you can exchange 15 higher-end sourceshards in town for powerful lesser planar essences which you can equip to your planar focus for massive stat boosts.

Additionally, in each zone, there is a rare planar goods vendor in each quest hub in the zone (Argent Glade, Gloamwood Pines, etc.). These sell rare and epic goods for players of that zone’s particular level and use the tier of stones that drop off of rift enemies in that zone.

Rift Planarite Guide Conclusion

I hope you benefited from this Rift Planarite guide. To summarize, do invasions to earn planarite, and then save it up. Once you get 7500 you can buy a really good item which you can use at any level and is the best-in-slot even at level 50!

Making easy platinum in Rift

In Rift, “platinum” is the highest level of currency. In this article, I’m going to explain to you how to get hold of it in the easiest way possible!

As Rift is a relatively new game, it is difficult to predict at this stage what will and will not be valuable as the Rift economy naturally evolves over time. Something that you may consider to be worthless now may become invaluable in the future, or vice versa.

Easy Platinum in Rift from Materials

As a general rule, at the beginning of a MMORPG like Rift, crafted items are generally less valuable than materials. This happens because at the beginning players will try to outbid each other for different resources so that they can level up, and as a result most craft items will initially be sold at a loss.

One great way to avoid getting involved in this vicious cycle is to get all 3 of the gathering professions yourself. That is, “Foraging”, “mining” and “butchering”. With these professions in hand you will easily be able to pick up your own materials while you are questing. If you have no immediate need for the materials you are gathering, you always have the option to bank them for use or sale later on in the game.

As the game progresses, other players will accumulate some spare platinum and will want to start buying up materials.

The value of beginner ores will increase as other players start to level up their professions.

Making Platinum from Crafting

If you have a very high level craft, you will be able to make money from your crafts. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to make any money. The main problem is that crafters are in constant competition with gear that come in questing.

But if you want to give it a try, you should focus on ranged weapons, like guns and bows, two-handed weapons and runes.

Two-handed and ranged weapons do not pop up very often in questing, unlike 1-handed weapons which are constantly being upgraded for callings that use use.

Despite the fact that it is only a green-quality weapon, as a weaponsmith you can craft the Iron Hunting Rifle which you can then sell on for huge profit. You can fetch as much as 1 platinum for it, especially shortly after the initial release of the game.

You can also potentially make a lot of money as a Runecrafter as there is no competition from quests. Having said that, a lot of players may not want runes themselves because they already get new gear on a regular basis.

Tips for Easy Platinum

Rift is a game about many things, and unlike some recent MMOs, a lot of stock has been placed on the economy – a relatively standard interaction between players with crafting and gathering professions and an auction house. But, how do you put those tools to use to make the most possible Rift Platinum – the in game currency of choice? Here are three tips to get you started:

1. Choose Professions Wisely

In Rift, you can choose three professions from the 10 available. There are 7 different crafting professions and 3 gathering professions. Each crafting profession will need different materials from two of the three gathering professions (though usually primarily from just one). As a result, you should choose either one or two crafting professions and then a gathering profession to support them. However, before you reach level 30, it is a good idea to steer clear of the crafting professions altogether as they take too much gold and platinum to level up.

2. Use the Auction House for All Sales

The auction house is perfect to make sales to your fellow players, but it requires you to spend time carefully analysing the needs and demands of your fellow players. Always remember, buy goods when prices are low and sell them only when prices are high.

3. Track Demand for Top Items

With a brand new game, there are very few tools to help you determine what sells and for how much. So, to make sure you are getting the best deals possible, start keeping track of prices in a spreadsheet or document on your computer. When they rise, make sure you are selling and when they dive (assuming they are not diving due to a nerf of some sort), but things up.

Making platinum in Rift will inevitably involve plenty of other methods that will allow you to farm for ores, plants and skinnable mobs, but if you want to make the most possible currency in the game, make sure you are using the tips above and the auction house liberally.

If you play it just right, you’ll be able to develop a keen eye for what sells and how much it sells for. If you want to be successful as a trader in Rift: Planes of Telara, you must first know what people want and how much they are willing to pay to get it. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be well on your way to a nice fortune of Gold and Platinum so you can dominate your server.

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