BF3: Classes Guide

Battlefield 3 Classes

There are four different classes (often referred to as kits) in Battlefield 3: Assault, Support, Recon and Engineer. While the differences aren’t as massive as in MMORPGs I usually write guides about, there still are some which will affect your gameplay style. The Assault class is like a medic with rifles that helps the players who are wounded, being able to heal and revive them. As you might expect the Engineer has Rocket Launchers suited for destroying vehicles, and is capable of repairing them as well. The Support class comes…

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BF3: Weapon Attachments Guide

Battlefield 3 features a wide variety of weapon attachments for most of the weapons that are available to you. Ranging from sights, to barrels, to bipods, each weapon has a number of attachments that can be unlocked by playing with that particular weapon. Below you’ll find a comprehensive list of Battlefield 3 weapon attachments along with some instructions on how to use them and comparisons of their benefits. Sights/optics Under barrel attachments: Foregrip, Underslung rail, M320 Grenade Launcher, Bipod, Tactical Light, Laser Sight Barrel attachments: Heavy Barrel, Suppressor, Flash Suppressor…

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